
NEW YORK & GENEVA--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire)--Wella Company, an innovative global leader in t...
IVE and NewJeans Limited Edition record the 1st place in the most searched volumes and the highest t...
APR Corp. SEOUL--(Korea Newswire) May 18, 2023 -- APR Corp. (APR) (CEO: Byunghoon “Victor” Kim), a g...
VENTURA, CALIF.--(Business Wire / Korea Newswire) January 27, 2023 -- A Federal court has handed ano...
ソウル--(Korea Newswire) January 30, 2023 -- 韓国のグローバルビューティーコンテンツ企業Wishcompany Inc. (代表:パク·ソンホ)を代表するスキンケ...